A moment that changed me: I tasted honey so sublime, I gave up my career to keep bees
This is a list of key vocabulary and expressions from the article in order of how useful they are. The student must choose 6 items from the list to study in the lesson.
To be fond (of something/ someone)
To take (someone/ something) for granted
15 conversation-provoking questions related to the article.
1. What sparked Marina’s curiosity about honey and bees?
2. What were the first steps she took?
3. How did her hobby develop into a profession?
4. How did she become involved with other honey enthusiasts?
5. Do you know anyone who makes honey?
6. Have you ever been stung by a bee or attacked by an animal?
7. Are you fascinated by bees and other animals?
8. Do you consume a lot of honey?
9. Is having a garden important for you?
10. Can you see any interesting animals or insects in your garden or near your home?
11. Would you like to become a beekeeper?
12. When you start trying to make money from a hobby, does it become less enjoyable?
13. ‘Having just one passion is dangerous and narrow-minded.’ Do you agree?
14. Honey is Marina’s passion. What is yours?
15. Do you get along with your neighbours?