A new start after 60: I always battled with my body image – until I became a bodybuilder at 64
This is a list of key vocabulary and expressions from the article in order of how useful they are. The student must choose 6 items from the list to study in the lesson.
To stare (at someone/ something)
To convince (someone (to do something))
To set your sights (on something)
15 conversation-provoking questions related to the article.
1. What do you know about Flowers’ life before she became a bodybuilder?
2. How did Flowers get into working out?
3. How did Flowers become involved with social media, and what does she do on social media now?
4. What does she say about her bodybuilding and social media activities?
5. Do you think you could develop a passion for bodybuilding?
6. Why do you think Flowers enjoys bodybuilding so much?
7. Do you think a break-up/ divorce can affect a person’s self-esteem?
8. Do you think there are any ethical problems with appearance based competitions?
9. Do you think that body image problems are greater for women or men?
10. How are body image problems different for people of different ages?
11. Do you think developing a TikTok following is a good solution for Flowers?
12. Would you like to develop a TikTok following, doing something you love?
13. When were you at your fittest?
14. Do you like going to the gym?
15. Is it possible to become unhealthily obsessed with health?