Cobalt Mining Is Still a Dangerous Job in Congo

This is a list of key vocabulary and expressions from the video in order of how useful they are. The student must choose 6 items from the list to study in the lesson.



When it comes to

To bother (someone)

To make (someone do something)

How often…?

Can afford

A scar

To rush

To cheat

As soon as

To arrest (someone)

A slave



To figure (something) out

To take advantage of (something/ someone)

To dig

Supply/ demand

To make a living

To exploit (someone/ something)

To be devastated

To drain (something/ someone)

To pull (something) off

To resort to (something)

To make ends meet

15 conversation-provoking questions related to the article.

1.    What is this video about?

2.    What was said about China and Belgium?

3.    What risks are there for people who work in this industry?

4.    What is happening at Tchiabula?

5.    What did you see happening at the mountain made from dirt of industrial mining?

6.    What do you know about Helene and her school?

7.    Given the conditions at these mines, is it wrong for you to buy a smart phone?

8.    Have you ever seen people working in tougher conditions?

9.    Should child labour be banned in Congo?

10. Does anybody work in bad conditions in your native country?

11. Should the people of Tchiabula have the right to stay in their village?

12. Do you think the people of Congo are happy to have cobalt in their country?

13. Do you think that an education could help these children to escape from poverty?

14. Would you like to volunteer in Congo?

15. Do people in your native country take school for granted?


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