Dominic Cummings: What is the scandal about?
This is a list of key vocabulary and expressions from the article in order of how useful they are. The expressions in italics are additional and cannot be found in the article. The student must choose 6 items from the list to study in the lesson.
To regret (doing/ not doing) something
To break the rules
To play a key role (in something)
15 conversation-provoking questions related to the article.
Do you think Mr Cummings broke the rules?
Should Mr Cummings be sacked or should he be forgiven?
Do you think that keeping Mr Cummings in the government will make the public more likely to break the rules? Would this rule breaking be justified?
Did the British people decide for themselves that Cummings should be sacked, or have they been brainwashed by the media?
Are you an independent thinker or are you brainwashed by the media?
Do you trust what your government says? Why?
What has been the toughest thing for you about the lockdown?
Have you enjoyed any aspects of the lockdown?
Do you think that the lockdown is easier for some people than it is for others?
How strictly do you try to follow the lockdown rules?
How strictly have your friends and family followed the lockdown rules?
Is being obedient generally a good thing?
Do you think people’s attitudes to ‘key workers’ has changed in your country?
Do you think that all ‘key workers’ should be paid more?
Has coronavirus permanently changed society?