Experience: I campaign for the extinction of the human race

This is a list of key vocabulary and expressions from the article in order of how useful they are. The student must choose 6 items from the list to study in the lesson.

To cope with something

To stick with something/ someone


Provided (meaning 'if, or only if')


To embrace something/ someone

To take off (meaning to suddenly start to be successful or popular)

ExtinctionTo be extinct

To breed/ A breed

To prop something up


To hitchhike 

15 conversation-provoking questions related to the article.

  1. Is overcrowding in schools caused by the overpopulation of the world?

  2. Should we be campaigning for the extinction of the human race?

  3. Would the world be better if humans didn’t exist?

  4. Is overpopulation a problem?

  5. Is it immoral to have many kids?

  6. Why do poor people in poor countries have many kids?

  7. Why do some countries not have many kids?

  8. Do you think the world population will continue to rise?

  9. Do you think humans are capable of solving the environmental problems we face today?

  10. What are the biggest problems that humanity will face in the future?

  11. Is the news more often positive or negative? Why?

  12. Does the news make you depressed?

  13. Do you think the world is getting better or worse? Why?

  14. To what extent do people in your country care about environmental problems?

  15. Would the world be a better place if all world leaders were female?


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We’ve built a world that feels cold, yet our desire to connect is very much alive