Experience: I sailed alone around the world aged 16

This is a list of key vocabulary and expressions from the article in order of how useful they are. The student must choose 6 items from the list to study in the lesson. The expressions in italics cannot be found in the article.

To find out

Even though

To end up


To make sure

To get lonely

To get involved


To be thrilled

To set off

I didn’t think they’d say yes

To spot (something/ someone)

Back and forth

To dodge (something)

To feel on top of the world

On the horizon

To be in the same boat

To show someone the ropes

Three sheets to the wind

To back (someone)

All hands on deck

To take the wind out of someone’s sails

A loose cannon

Odd jobs

A jumble

15 conversation-provoking questions related to the article.

1.       How did Laura’s plans to sail the world develop?

2.       What was said about social services and her parents?

3.       How did she describe her journey?

4.       What does she do and think now?

5.       Do you think her dad did anything wrong?

6.       Do you admire Laura?

7.       Do you think you would get along with Laura?

8.       Would you like to sail across the world?

9.       How would you cope with being alone for that long?

10.     Would you like to get into sailing?

11.     What challenge would you like to set yourself?

12.     Should parents stop their children from doing dangerous things, or try to make them do dangerous things in a safer way?

13.     Should parents always allow their kids to follow their passions?

14.     Have you ever done something dangerous?

15.     Could you enjoy a holiday alone?


We can be heroes: the inspiring people we met around the world in 2024 – part one