Friluftsliv: The Nordic concept of getting outdoors


This is a list of key vocabulary and expressions from the article in order of how useful they are. The student must choose 6 items from the list to study in the lesson.


To achieve (something)

As soon as


To encourage (someone/ something)


To strengthen (something)

Pretty much

To find (meaning to experience a feeling)




To be under threat

When it comes to

To thrive

‘The more screen time we have, the more we need to get back to basics.’


To incentivise


To unwind


To embrace (something)

There’s no such thing as

To roam


15 conversation-provoking questions related to the article.

1.       What is ‘frilufsliv’?

2.       According to the article, is ‘frilufsliv’ a big part of life in Sweden?

3.       According to the article, is ‘frilufsliv’ under threat?

4.       What does Hjalmar Nilssonne say?

5.       What does Angeliqa Mejstedt say?

6.       After having read this article, do you want to go and live in Sweden?

7.       Do you have a passion for ‘frilufsliv’?

8.       What are your childhood memories of being outdoors?

9.       Would you prefer to own a summer house or to visit different places every summer?

10.     Would you like to go hunting and fishing?

11.     Do you think schools should have lessons outdoors and companies should have meetings outdoors?

12.     In your native country, is it possible to enjoy the outdoors in winter?

13.     ‘There’s no such thing as bad weather, only bad clothes.’ Do you agree?

14.     Do you think that 90 minutes of ‘frilufsliv’ every Wednesday could improve the productivity of a company?

15.     Which of the following holiday destinations would you prefer: the mountains, the forest, the beach or the city?


There is a war on nature. Dom Phillips was killed trying to warn you about it


Think before shouting at your child: to them, words can be as harmful as physical blows