Guy Fawkes and the Gunpowder Plot | The REAL Story

This is a list of key vocabulary and expressions from the article in order of how useful they are. The student must choose 6 items from the list to study in the lesson.


To fail/ succeed

A threat/ To threaten

To persuade (someone to do something)

To warn (someone)

To betray (someone)


A coward


To kidnap (someone)

To reveal (something)

To be caught

To crawl

To drag (something/ someone)

To blow up


To worship (someone)


Cecil could have used the letter as a trap

To be outgunned

To be doomed to fail

To persecute (someone)

To crack down (on something)


No mean feat

15 conversation-provoking questions related to the article.

1.       Can you briefly summarise the Gunpowder Plot?

2.       What was the religious context at the time, and what motivated the plotters?

3.       Who was Robert Catesby, and how was the plot born?

4.       Who was Robert Cecil, and how was Guy Fawkes caught?

5.       What happened after Guy Fawkes was caught?

6.       Do you admire Guy Fawkes?

7.       Do you think it’s wrong for British people to celebrate Guy Fawkes Night?

8.       Do you think the king was wrong to torture Guy Fawkes?

9.       What similar national days do you have in your native country?

10.     Has there been a history of religious persecution in your native country?

11.     What is the most interesting period of your country’s history?

12.     Are there any good movies about your country’s history?

13.     Do you think that fireworks should be banned?

14.     Do you like fire?

15.     The Houses of Parliament is beautiful. Do you think it is important for the national government building to be beautiful?


The big idea: why we should spend more time talking to strangers


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