How Virtual Restaurants Could Become a $1 Trillion Industry

This is a list of key vocabulary and expressions from the video in order of how useful they are. The student must choose 6 items from the list to study in the lesson.


To figure out

To show up

Sort of


To vanish

A chain


For good

A joint

A snob


As opposed to

A drawback


To assassinate (someone) 


There’s a first time for everything


To take a cut (of something) 

Have (something/ someone) written all over it

To pride yourself (on something) 

The elephant in the room

To get in on (something)

To dine in

A seismic shift

15 conversation-provoking questions related to the article.

  1. What did Matt, the presenter, notice about the food he was ordering?

  2. What are ‘virtual restaurants’ and how do they work?

  3. What do we know about the restaurant called Wok Wok?

  4. What do we know about the company called REEF?

  5. ‘I think I order too much takeaway food.’ Is this true for you?

  6. ‘Ordering takeaway food is a terrible habit.’ Do you agree?

  7. ‘I don’t see anything wrong with virtual restaurants.’ Is this true for you?

  8. ‘I know exactly where I would take a foreign tourist to eat in my native town.’ Is this true for you?

  9. ‘I would love to run my own restaurant.’ Is this true for you?

  10. ‘My eating habits have changed over the course of my life.’ Is this true for you?

  11. ‘I love the experience of eating out.’ Is this true for you?

  12. ‘Sugar should be banned in schools.’ Do you agree?

  13. ‘Cooking is one of my favourite hobbies.’ Is this true for you?

  14. ‘The general quality of food and ingredients is better in my native country than it is in the UK.’ Is this true for you?

  15. ‘Generally speaking, women are better cooks than men.’ Do you agree?


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