I have a dream job and family, but I really want to write novels

This is a list of key vocabulary and expressions from the article in order of how useful they are. The student must choose 6 items from the list to study in the lesson.

To be in a hurry

To achieve (something)



To prevent (something/ someone)

To interrupt (something/ someone)

To give up

To sacrifice (something/ someone)

To manage (to do something)

To gain (something)

As if/ as though

To take time off

To adore (something/ someone)

A toddler

To embrace (something/ someone)

A setback

For the sake of something / for someone’s sake

To put (something) off

To fit (something/ someone) in


A calling

‘I could never have achieved that without failing and failing again.’

On paper


To hone

15 conversation-provoking questions related to the article.

1.       How does the woman describe her situation and her problem?

2.       What is Philippa’s advice?

3.       Do you agree with Philippa’s advice?

4.       Do you think the woman will follow Philippa’s advice?

5.       ‘Philippa was wrong to give this woman the impression that she could become a professional writer.’ Do you agree?

6.       ‘The woman should focus on enjoying writing, rather than trying to become a professional.’ Do you agree?

7.       Have you found your calling in life?

8.       Do you know someone who has found their calling in life?

9.       Are you time-poor?

10.     What would you do if you had more free time?

11.     What were you passionate about when you were younger?

12.     What are you passionate about now?

13.     Do you think that being passionate about something is the key to happiness?

14.     What would you like your side hustle to be?

15.     Would you like to write a book?


Students’ European Football Championship Sunday Roast Competition


Experience: ‘I woke up with a Welsh accent’