I’m 14 and stressed out with the pressure of school and friendships
This is a list of key vocabulary and expressions from the article in order of how useful they are. The student must choose 6 items from the list to study in the lesson.
I had done 5 jobs before the age of 26
Imagining what could have been different
To put yourself in someone’s shoes
15 conversation-provoking questions related to the article.
1. What problems does the 14 year-old have?
2. What was Annalisa’s advice?
3. When you were younger, did you feel the ‘constant pressure of having to do your best in everything’?
4. Is it right for parents to demand that their children have to do their best at everything?
5. ‘Being an adolescent is hard.’ Do you agree?
6. Is being the parent of a teenager hard?
7. ‘I know that choosing the right path now seems very make or break, but it really isn’t.’ Do you agree?
8. What things did you dread doing as a teenager?
9. What things did you enjoy as a teenager?
10. What was the first important decision you made?
11. When did you make a high-stakes decision?
12. Did you use to ‘zone out’ in your lessons at school?
13. ‘In fact it’s in the failure that we develop and grow.’ Do you agree?
14. In the sphere of education, what big decisions did you make and why?
15. Were your parents strict?