‘I’m proud of my daughter but not her sloppy lifestyle: should I intervene?’

This is a list of key vocabulary and expressions from the article in order of how useful they are. The student must choose 6 items from the list to study in the lesson.




Rather than

To wonder

To seem (to do/ be)

A lack (of something)

To meet up (with someone)

To get stuck

To stink (of something)


To acknowledge (something/ someone)

To point (something/ someone) out

To be in your early/ mid/ late 20s/30s/40s etc.


To stand up for yourself

To keep your nose out (of something)

To patronise (someone)


To be oblivious to something



To be strewn

To incur the wrath of someone

To admonish (someone)

15 conversation-provoking questions related to the article.

1.       What does the letter from the father say?

2.       What does Annalisa say in response?

3.       Is it wrong for the daughter to dress in the way she does?

4.       Can you understand why the father may want to influence his daughter’s choice of clothes?

5.       Did your parents try to influence the way you dressed?

6.       Is it wrong for the daughter to live in such a messy way?

7.       Do you ever argue about messiness in your house?

8.       What do you think the father should do about his daughter’s cat?

9.       Have you ever come across a pet that caused problems?

10.     Should parents stop giving advice after a child turns 18?

11.     Did you ask for advice from your parents after you turned 18?

12.     Which of the daughter’s achievements do you think is the most impressive?

13.     Should parents try to have an influence on their children’s careers?

14.     Should parents try to have an influence on their children’s romantic partners?

15.     Should parents try to have an influence on their children’s hobbies and interests?


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