Inspiring man born without arms or legs - Nick Vujicic

This is a list of key vocabulary and expressions from the video in order of how useful they are. The expressions in italics are additional and cannot be found in the video. The student must choose 6 items from the list to study in the lesson.

 What’s going on?

To suffer (from something)

To suppose (something)

To look forward to (doing) something

To harm (something/ someone)

To feel sorry for someone

A mate

An obstacle

To be determined (to do something)

A lack of something


So far



To crave (something/ for something)


To take (something/ someone) for granted

A burden

To take over

To sprain (something)


Talk about…


To underpin (something)

To go out on a limb

15 conversation-provoking questions related to the article.

1.      How does Nick view his disability?

2.      What do you know about Nick’s birth and how his parents reacted when they learned of his disability?

3.      Does Nick pray for arms and legs?

4.      What did Nick say about his eyes?

5.      What does Nick do with his life, and what are his goals for the future?

6.      ‘I was incredibly surprised by the different physical abilities and skills that Nick displayed in the video.’ Is this true for you?

7.      ‘I know a similarly inspirational story about someone who overcame huge obstacles.’ Is this true for you?

8.      ‘Just like Nick, I am always willing to embrace new challenges in my life.’ Is this true for you?

9.      ‘The eyes are the windows to your soul. You can learn a lot about a person just by looking into their eyes.’ Do you agree?

10.    ‘Bullying can often be a problem for children who seem to be different from the rest of the group.’ Do you agree?

11.    ‘Nowadays, young people don’t have the right role models and idols.’ Do you agree?

12.    ‘I would love to speak in front of thousands of people, just like Nick does.’ Is this true for you?

13.    ‘It’s clear that Nick’s faith in God is extremely helpful for him.’ Do you agree?

14.    ‘Maintaining a positive attitude is the key to success.’ Do you agree?

15.    ‘Nick has made me realise that I should perhaps be more ambitious in my life.’ Is this true for you?


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