Is the NHS heading for its worst winter ever?

This is a list of key vocabulary and expressions from the video in order of how useful they are. The student must choose 6 items from the list to study in the lesson.


To look after (someone/ something)

To be desperate (for something/ to do something)


At all

To appreciate

To speed up/ slow down




To turn up


To ensure

No doubt


To put up with (something/ someone)


To acknowledge (something/ someone)




To grumble

A milestone

The bottom line

To undertake

15 conversation-provoking questions related to the article.

​1.      What were some of the things that Dr Kay Stenton said?

2.      What were some of the things that the patients said?

3.      What were some of the things that Chris Hopson said?

4.      ‘After watching this video, I’ve decided that I want to become an NHS nurse.’ Is this true for you?

5.      ‘Due to the fact that she’s very experienced, Dr Kay Stenton probably isn’t suffering that much or feeling too stressed.’ Do you agree?

6.      ‘It would be selfish and wrong for Dr Kay Stenton to retire early.’ Do you agree?

7.      ‘My most recent experience with the NHS was a very positive one.’ Is this true for you?

8.      ‘The UK should advertise NHS job vacancies in other countries in order to attract foreign doctors and nurses to the NHS.’ Do you agree?

9.      ‘People who engage in unhealthy behaviours like smoking or drinking, should have to pay a small fee to use the NHS.’ Do you agree?

10.    ‘Women pay much more attention to their health than men.’ Do you agree?

11.    ‘It’s more difficult to be healthy if you are poor.’ Do you agree?

12.    ‘I don’t have any unhealthy habits.’ Is this true for you?

13.    ‘Whenever I need medical treatment, I always fly back to my native country.’ Is this true for you?

14.    ‘It’s never morally justified for a nurse to go on strike.’ Do you agree?

15.    ‘Sometimes I pretend to be sick so that I don’t have to go to work, and there’s nothing wrong with that.’ Do you agree?


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