Last year one Oxford college admitted 96% of its students from state schools. How did they do it?

This is a list of key vocabulary and expressions from the article in order of how useful they are. The student must choose 6 items from the list to study in the lesson.



To work out something (meaning to discover an answer, develop an idea, or calculate an amount)

To be determined

To make it 

A sibling

To be biased/ A bias




To thrive

A proportion

To persist

An allegation

To fit in

To crop up

The former (meaning the first of two people, things, or groups previously mentioned)/ The latter (meaning the second of two people, things or groups previously mentioned)

To pull off something


A vivid memory


15 conversation-provoking questions related to the article.

  1. In general, why are you more likely to go to Oxford University if you came from a private school?

  2. Why is this a problem?

  3. Should Oxford University have a quota system where they are forced to accept a certain number of state school candidates, a certain number of ethnic minority candidates, etc.?

  4. Richer children are more likely to go to university than poor children. Is this only about money, or are there other factors?

  5. Is it really true that ‘knowledge is power’?

  6. Is going to university worth it?

  7. Is it possible for a country to have too many people going to university?

  8. Should university be free?

  9. How do you think that learning in schools and universities will change in the future?

  10. Is the education system in your country unequal?

  11. Apart from English, what other things are you keen to learn about?

  12. What would you change about your country’s education system?

  13. Who was the best teacher/ professor you have ever had (apart from me)?

  14. Do you have any regrets about your education in the past?

  15. Would you like to be a teacher/ professor? 


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