My best mate lies to me and sticks to his guns when I challenge him
This is a list of key vocabulary and expressions from the article in order of how useful they are. The student must choose 6 items from the list to study in the lesson.
To encourage (someone to do something)
My car had been moved
I do care about being lied to
15 conversation-provoking questions related to the article.
1. What’s the person’s problem?
2. What is Philippa’s solution?
3. Do you think the person described in the article is a bad person?
4. ‘I think it would be better if the man just ignored his friend’s lies and carried on with his life.’ Do you agree?
5. ‘I think it would be better if they just laughed and joked about his lies. This way he can let his friend know that he’s a liar without causing any hard feelings.’ Do you agree?
6. What would you do if you were in this man’s shoes?
7. Do you know someone who often lies or exaggerates?
8. Are chores fairly divided in your house?
9. Is it wrong to look through your partner’s phone without them knowing?
10. Is it wrong to spy on your own kids?
11. Is it wrong to not pay your taxes properly?
12. Is it wrong to bribe in a country where everyone bribes?
13. If you don’t like someone, is it better to tell them you don’t like them, or take make up fake excuses about why you can’t meet them?
14. Is lying more common among children or adults?
15. Are you good at hiding your emotions: fear, stress, boredom, hate, etc.?