Solo travel: Why more people are doing it and tips for first timers


This is a list of key vocabulary and expressions from the article in order of how useful they are. The student must choose 6 items from the list to study in the lesson.

To quit (something)



To rely on (someone/ something)

Plenty (of something)


To force (someone to do something)

To consider (doing) something

A challenge



To turn (something into something)


To admit

When it comes to

To turn up


To reveal (something)


To miss out (on something)

Peace of mind

To ditch (someone/ something)



To jet off

15 conversation-provoking questions related to the article.

1.       What is the general theme of the article, and what is said in the first part?

2.       What was said about ‘making new connections’?

3.       What was said about ‘budgeting’?

4.       What was said about ‘keeping safe’?

5.       What was said about ‘packing for the unknown’?

6.       What was said about ‘journaling’?

7.       Why do you think ‘solo travel’ is becoming more popular, and would you like to do it?

8.       ‘When I go on holiday, the last thing I want to do is meet new people.’ Is this true for you?

9.       ‘I struggle to control my spending when I go on holiday.’ Is this true for you?

10.     ‘I often feel unsafe when I go on holiday.’ Is this true for you?

11.     ‘The way I pack is very different to the way my partner packs.’ Is this true for you?

12.     ‘I wish I had kept a journal of all of my holidays.’ Is this true for you?

13.     Which of the following options would you prefer: A) A hiking holiday in Nepal B) A holiday in Disneyland Paris C) A holiday in an all-inclusive hotel in Turkey?

14.     Does the idea of staying in a hostel appeal to you?

15.     Do you like to buy clothes and other souvenirs when you go on holiday?


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