Stop Buying Stuff

This is a list of key vocabulary and expressions from the video in order of how useful they are. The expressions in italics are additional and cannot be found in the video. The student must choose 6 items from the list to study in the lesson.



To throw away

To advertise/ An advert


To run out (of something)

Disgusted/ Disgusting

Instead of

To stink (of something)

What would happen if I just stopped it?

To try on

To turn out

Not at all

To come up (with something)

To be fond of someone/ something

Back then

A kick


To fight the urge (to do something)

To give in (to something/ someone)

Can’t help but

To dish out

To foster (something)

Yet another/ again etc.

Last but not least


15 conversation-provoking questions related to the article.

​1.      What was Niko’s New Year’s resolution, and what were his two rules?

2.      What inspired this New Year’s resolution?

3.      What were his two strategies for living in this new way, and was this lifestyle difficult for him?

4.      Did he ever go back to buying stuff, and did he have any new rules?

5.      ‘I’m going to have the same New Year’s resolution as Niko.’ Is this true for you?

6.      ‘Whenever you buy something new, replace something old with it.’ Do you agree with this advice?

7.      ‘It’s not true that you interact with people who provide services for you. I hate chatting to my hairdresser.’ Is this true for you?

8.      ‘I can suggest some of my own rules for life.’ Is this true for you?

9.      ‘I’m constantly buying new clothes because old clothes look scruffy.’ Is this true for you?

10.    ‘If something breaks, I immediately buy a new one.’ Is this true for you?

11.    ‘It’s impossible to waste money on food.’ Do you agree?

12.    ‘It’s impossible to waste money on education.’ Do you agree?

13.    ‘Only spending money on experiences can make you happy. Spending money on material things cannot make you happy.’ Do you agree?

14.    ‘Adverts don’t work on me.’ Is this true for you?

15.    ‘There are areas of natural beauty in my country that have been destroyed by pollution and waste.’ Is this true for you?


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