‘Submitting to my husband like it's 1959': Why I became a TradWife ¦ BBC Stories


This is a list of key vocabulary and expressions from the article in order of how useful they are. The student must choose 6 items from the list to study in the lesson.

To look after (someone/ something)


To suppose (something)

To be aware (of something)

To invest (in something)

To spoil (someone)

To cheat (on someone)


To compete (with someone)


To keep up (with someone/ something)

Something that you might not have even thought of

A burden

To crave (something)


To pursue (something/ someone)

To wear the trousers

To label (someone/ something something)

An outsider

To nag (someone)


The glass ceiling


A buffer

To harness (something)

15 conversation-provoking questions related to the article.

1.       Who is Alena, and what is a ‘Tradwife’?

2.       Why did Alena become a ‘Tradwife’?

3.       What else do you know about Alena, her childhood and her life?

4.       What criticisms have people made of the ‘Tradwife’ movement?

5.       Do you agree with everything Alena says?

6.       Do you think what Alena is doing is wrong?

7.       Do you wish it was 1959?

8.       Do you make all of the big decisions in your relationship?

9.       Generally speaking, do you think that men and women have different roles in marriage in your native country?

10.     Who are the most famous women in your native country’s history?

11.     Are there important and powerful women in your native country today?

12.     Do you argue about housework in your house?

13.     Do you argue about food and cooking in your house?

14.     Do you think men and women have different skills?

15.     Is there an active feminist movement in your native country?


My summer in a Soviet pioneer camp


There is a war on nature. Dom Phillips was killed trying to warn you about it