The Great Resignation: How employers drove workers to quit


This is a list of key vocabulary and expressions from the article in order of how useful they are. The student must choose 6 items from the list to study in the lesson.


To consider (doing) something 

To force someone (to do something) 

To warn someone ((not) to do something/ about something)

A summary

A field



To rip (something)

An entrepreneur

To have trouble (doing) something 

To seek (something) 


To pursue (something/ someone) 

To juggle (something)

To fall behind 

To scramble (to do something) 

To take a pay cut

To put (something) in place


In the wake (of something) 

To bear the brunt (of something) 

In droves

To be dubbed (something) 

To teeter on the edge of (doing) something

15 conversation-provoking questions related to the article.

  1. What were the results of the Microsoft survey and how can these statistics be explained?

  2. Why did Melissa Villareal quit her job? 

  3. What have companies like Target, Best Buy, McDonald’s and Amazon done and why?

  4. What did Mark Cuban say?

  5. ‘I’ve never had an employer that treated me badly.’ Is this true for you?

  6. ‘I would rather work from home than work in an office.’ Is this true for you?

  7. ‘If you have a good boss, it’s possible to enjoy any job.’ Do you agree?

  8. ‘I would make an excellent boss.’ Is this true for you?

  9. ‘I’m currently considering quitting my job.’ Is this true for you?

  10. ‘If the salary was high enough, I would accept a job that I didn’t like.’ Is this true for you?

  11. ‘There are some companies that are so evil that I wouldn’t work for them.’ Is this true for you?

  12. ‘All employees in a company should be paid the same.’ Do you agree?

  13. ‘I know someone who absolutely loves their job.’ Is this true for you?

  14. ‘I know someone who absolutely hates their job.’ Is this true for you?

  15. ‘I would be much happier if I never had to work again.’ Is this true for you? 


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