The single word that connects Denmark


This is a list of key vocabulary and expressions from the article in order of how useful they are. The student must choose 6 items from the list to study in the lesson.

To aim (to do something/ for something)

To witness (something)



A fuss

To highlight


To team up

Would (used for saying what someone used to do in the past)

To emphasise

A shelter

A pram

A stall


To comply (with something)

To pull together


To step up

To foster

To put (something) to good use

To tune in

To attribute (something) to (something)

Fair share

A culture clash


15 conversation-provoking questions related to the article.

  1. What is ‘samfunssind’?

  2. How would you describe the tax rates in Denmark?

  3. Would you like to have a similar tax system in your country?

  4. To what extent is ‘samfundssind’ present in your native country?

  5. Do you have good relationships with your neighbours?

  6. Do you think that people had a greater sense of community in the past?

  7. What could be done to improve the level of ‘samfundssind’ in your local area?

  8. Has coronavirus fostered a community spirit in the area where you live?

  9. Can social media be a tool for fostering community spirit?

  10. Are politicians in your country trusted?

  11. Could you explain one particular incident in your country which undermined trust in politicians?

  12. How widespread is corruption in your country?

  13. Would the concept of an ‘honesty box’ for paying for goods work in your country?

  14. To what extent do people in your country follow coronavirus guidelines?

  15.  What are your country’s values?


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