The social housing secret: how Vienna became the world’s most livable city

This is a list of key vocabulary and expressions from the article in order of how useful they are. The student must choose 6 items from the list to study in the lesson.


A sibling


To end up somewhere/ (doing) something

To force (someone to do something)

To break in



A downside

To hang out

To bother (to do something)

To carry (something) out


What’s more

To retain (something/ someone)

To hit the jackpot

To shoot up

To put down a deposit

To fuel (something)

To strive (for something/ to do something)

A counterpart

To buck the trend

To prevail

It remains to be seen

In dire straights

15 conversation-provoking questions related to the article.

1.       What is this article about?

2.       What was said about Max Schranz?

3.       How is Vienna’s housing policy different?

4.       What was said about Heinz Barneth?

5.       What were the other criticisms of Vienna’s housing policy?

6.       What was said about the future of Vienna’s housing policy?

7.       ‘Vienna’s social housing programme is more than a policy – in the city it is a foundational ideal that is a source of immense pride…[similar to] the UK’s National Health Service, say, or Norway’s oil fund.’ Do you have a similar source of pride and consensus about something in your native city/ country?

8.       Do you remember the first place you lived in after you moved out?

9.       Do you think all homes should be owned by the state?

10.     Do you think it’s better to rent or buy a house?

11.     How would you like to see your native country’s housing policy change?

12.     What have changed about homes in your native country over time?

13.     What is something that you wish you had in your house?

14.     Do you wish you had been born in Vienna?

15.     Do you think you will live in your current home for the rest of your life?


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