The woman who quit smoking and built a global hypnotherapy firm


This is a list of key vocabulary and expressions from the article in order of how useful they are. The expressions in italics are additional and cannot be found in the article. The student must choose 6 items from the list to study in the lesson.


To quit

To seem


To cope (with something)

A wide range (of something)

Anxiety / anxious



To vary

To get carried away

To enrol 


Word of mouth

No wonder


Take a/ its toll (on something/ someone)

Born and raised

To dread (doing) something

To be wary (of something)

To sober up

(To go) cold turkey

A hoax

To work tirelessly (to do something)

Couldn’t be further from the truth

15 conversation-provoking questions related to the article.

  1. How did Grace cope with stress back in 2011?

  2. What is ‘Grace Space Hypnosis’?

  3. How did Grace first start her career in hypnotherapy?

  4. ‘Hypnosis is all fake, it’s obviously not possible to hypnotise people.’ Do you agree?

  5. ‘Hypnotism is safe’. Do you agree?

  6. ‘Smoking is cool’. Do you agree?

  7. ‘Smokers should have to pay extra if they want to use the NHS’. Do you agree?

  8. ‘People who own their own business are generally happier than people who don’t.’ Do you agree?

  9. ‘It’s always possible to turn your hobby into your career.’ Do you agree?

  10. ‘People who make a lot of money are generally stressed and unhappy at work.’ Do you agree?

  11. ‘Partying hard is a great way of coping with stress.’ Do you agree?

  12. ‘People are more stressed now than at any other time in human history’. Do you agree?

  13. ‘If you own a business, it’s important to pay your staff as little as possible.’ Do you agree?

  14. ‘It’s much easier for men to succeed in business than women’. Do you agree?

  15. ‘It’s much easier to set up a business in your native country’. Do you agree?


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