Two Years of Living Randomly

This is a list of key vocabulary and expressions from the video in order of how useful they are. The expressions in italics are additional and cannot be found in the video. The student must choose 6 items from the list to study in the lesson.


To be about to do something 

To be surrounded by (something)




To get onoff (a bus, train, plane etc.)

To get intoout of (a car)

To give up (something)

To predict (something)

To show up


To blind (someone)Blind 



The gist/ To get the gist

To press a button 


To be outside your comfort zone


To be hooked (on something)

Off the beaten path/ track

To scrap (something) 


To be tailored


15 conversation-provoking questions related to the article.

  1. In the first part of the video, how did Max describe his old life?

  2. What app did Max design and how does it work?

  3. What did he do when he went freelance?

  4. What is Max’s conclusion?

  5. ‘I think an algorithm could easily predict what I will do tomorrow and what I will do on the weekend.’ Is this true for you?

  6. ‘I hate going to places where I feel out of my comfort zone.’ Is this true for you?

  7. ‘I would love to get in an Uber and go to a random destination.’ Is this true for you?

  8. ‘I would love to attend a random Facebook event.’ Is this true for you?

  9. ‘I would love to randomise my holiday destination.’ Is this true for you?

  10. ‘I would love to move to a random location every 2 months like Max did.’ Is this true for you?

  11. ‘In the future, an algorithm will be able to tell us who we should marry.’ Do you agree?

  12. ‘I only like spending time with people who are very similar to me.’ Is this true for you?

  13. ‘Generally speaking, people only marry people who are very similar to them.’ Do you agree?

  14. ‘Social media can control which products I buy.’ Is this true for you?

  15. ‘Social media can change my political beliefs.’ Is this true for you?


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