What if women were physically stronger than men?


This is a list of key vocabulary and expressions from the article in order of how useful they are. The student must choose 6 items from the list to study in the lesson.

An obsession 

To catch up (with someone/ something)

To overtake

To take over

To be worth (doing)



To trigger

To assault (someone)

To sustain

To come down to

A trait



To cling to (something/ someone)

To take a/ its toll on 


To take (someone/ something) for granted

A ramification

An uptick

To adhere (to something)

Should (used when referring to a possible event in the future)



Glass ceiling

15 conversation-provoking questions related to the article.

  1. What did Judith Gardiner’s mother do? Why?

  2. Based on the information provided in the article, what do you think would happen to rates of domestic violence if women were stronger than men?

  3. In your opinion, what other things would happen if women were physically stronger than men?

  4. Do you think that women are catching up with men in terms of physical strength?

  5. Does physical strength have an impact on social hierarchies?

  6. Do physically stronger men get more respect?

  7. Do physically stronger women get more respect?

  8. Are men obsessed with physical strength?

  9. How have gender roles in your country changed in recent history? Are these changes positive?

  10. Should boys and girls be taught different things at school?

  11. Do women face discrimination in the workplace in your country?

  12. Is your country sexist in any other ways?

  13. How different would the world be if all world leaders were female?

  14. Should we use quotas to encourage female participation in well-paid prestigious jobs, for example, positions in the government or the board room?

  15. Should we use quotas to encourage female participation in manual jobs, for example, construction?


Why we should all give up on goals already


There’s a problem with the way we define inequality