What Is British Culture?

This is a list of key vocabulary and expressions from the article in order of how useful they are. The student must choose 6 items from the list to study in the lesson.



An outfit 

To inherit 

A rival/ To rival

To be heavily influenced by something/ someone

To play a crucial role in something (crucial)


To be ranked 1st/ 2nd/ 3rd etc.

Yet (meaning 'and despite that')


As opposed to

To diminish 

To undergo



15 conversation-provoking questions related to the article.

  1. What do you think of when you think of ‘British Culture’?

  2. What food do British people like to eat?

  3. How does this food compare to the food in your country?

  4. What is your favourite piece of British art or literature?

  5. Are you proud of your own country’s art and literature?

  6. Who are you favourite British band and why?

  7. Is music from your country popular all over the world? Why?

  8. Do people from your country play the same sports that British people play?

  9. What sports do you have in your country that British people might not know?

  10. Why is Britain becoming less and less of a Christian country?

  11. Is religion important in your country?

  12. Why do you think the Queen is so popular in the UK?

  13. Are people from your country more fashionable than British people?

  14. Is English an important language in your country?

  15. How would you describe your own country’s culture?

Please note that there is a spelling mistake in this article. It should say 'outfits worn traditionally', not 'outfits won traditionally'.


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