Who is Elon Musk and what drives him?

This is a list of key vocabulary and expressions from the video in order of how useful they are. The student must choose 6 items from the list to study in the lesson.


To fire (someone)


To invest (in something)


A gambler

An entrepreneur


To name (something/ someone) after (something/ someone)

To take over

To outweigh (something)

To be frank

To go bust

To step down

‘…having solved how to make space flight cheap…’



To slash (something)


To outaccelerate



To ramp up (something)

A vested interest

To wade (into something)

To wield (something)

15 conversation-provoking questions related to the article.

1.       What was said about Musk’s life, goals and inspirations?

2.       What was said about electric cars?

3.       What was said about Mars?

4.       What was said about Starlink?

5.       What was said about Twitter?

6.       What was said about Musk’s involvement with geopolitics?

7.       Will the good that Elon Musk does outweigh the bad?

8.       Is your personality similar to Elon Musk’s?

9.       Do you think it’s better to own an electric car?

10.     Do you think that Musk’s operations on Mars are a pathetic waste of time?

11.     Does it worry you that Musk is involved with geopolitics?

12.     Do you trust Musk to run twitter well?

13.     Do you think Musk is a good role model?

14.     What would you do if you had Musk’s power and wealth?

15.     Would you like to run your own business?


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