A moment that changed me: joyriders destroyed my van in New Zealand – which led to a lovely life in London

This is a list of key vocabulary and expressions from the article in order of how useful they are. The student must choose 6 items from the list to study in the lesson.

To belong (somewhere/ to someone)


To end up (somewhere/ (doing) something)

To be involved (in/ with something)


To spot (something/ someone)

To chase (something/ someone)

To lead (to something)

A commitment



A nickname

Two years earlier, Dave, then my boyfriend, had bought it before I went to visit him in New Zealand

To rip (something)

To crush (something)

To thrive

To go through (something)

It’s hard to imagine what life would have been like in New Zealand

To drive off

As if/ though


An ordeal


To be/ fall head over heels (in love)

To keep (something) ticking over

15 conversation-provoking questions related to the article.

1.       What was ‘The Colombian’, and what happened to it in 2008?

2.       What do you know about Silvia’s relationship with Dave?

3.       How did the theft of the van change the course of their life?

4.       What is Silvia doing now?

5.       Have you ever felt really attached to a particular car or vehicle?

6.       When were you the victim of a crime?

7.       ‘Long distance relationships never work.’ Do you agree?

8.       Were you surprised that Silvia was happy that none of the criminals were harmed while they wrecked her van?

9.       When did you make a decision that changed the course of your life?

10.     When did something out of your control change the course of your life?

11.     Is a road trip in a van your idea of the ideal holiday?

12.     Would you like to buy a van like ‘The Colombian’?

13.     Is it ever possible to feel fully at home in a new country?

14.     Did you ever behave like a hooligan when you were younger?

15.     ‘I arrived as a Colombian; in the UK, my borders expanded to being Latin American.’ What do you think Silvia meant by this? Can you relate?


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