As an immigrant I’m undervalued, and my wife has no sympathy

This is a list of key vocabulary and expressions from the article in order of how useful they are. The student must choose 6 items from the list to study in the lesson.

To blame (someone/ something)


To struggle (with something/ to do something)

To get (somewhere)

To treat (someone well/ badly etc.)

To benefit (someone/ someone)



To thrive


In a nutshell

A lecture

A burden

To take (something/ someone) for granted

To perceive

As if

To reach out (to someone)


To cherish (something/ someone)


My heart goes out to (someone)

To wither away

To resent (someone/ something)

To be at the end of your tether

To hamper (something)

15 conversation-provoking questions related to the article.

1.       What is the problem that the Iranian man has?

2.       What is the advice from Philippa?

3.       Do you agree with Philippa?

4.       What would your advice to this man be?

5.       When you move to a new country, do you think it’s important to meet people from your own country?

6.       How did you feel when you first arrived in the UK?

7.       Who was the first person you met when you arrived in the UK?

8.       Who was kind to you or helped you when you first arrived in the UK?

9.       Do you know someone who moved to another country and then regretted it?

10.     Have you ever had a job that made you miserable?

11.     Is it important for you to always have new clothes, like this man’s wife?

12.     ‘I was educated, experienced and respected. But my qualifications are not recognised here. I am now working a menial minimum-wage job.’ Do you think this experience is common for immigrants in the UK?

13.     ‘I spend two hours a day on public transport.’ Is this true for you?

14.     ‘The work I do is tiring.’ Is this true for you?

15.     Is it important for you to do a job that is respected by society?


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