A moment that changed me: three schoolboy truants convinced me to become a teacher

This is a list of key vocabulary and expressions from the article in order of how useful they are. The student must choose 6 items from the list to study in the lesson.

On the way

To owe (someone something)

To let (someone) down

To get (something)

To spot (something/ someone)


To accuse (someone of (doing) something)

To switch on/ off


To convince someone (to do something)

It turned out that…

To turn up

What/ why/ how/ where etc on earth?


To tackle (something)

To humiliate (someone)

A dump



To exploit (someone/ something)

To stab (someone)

To thrive



To say the least

15 conversation-provoking questions related to the article.

1.      Why was Nicola at the school, and what happened when she was given a guided tour?

2.      Why did Nicola mention Shakespeare in the article?

3.      What problems did Nicola’s pupils have with the police?

4.      What did Nicola say about refugees?

5.      What did Nicola say about the ‘Minority Matters’ organisation?

6.      ‘The school that Nicola describes sounds very similar to the one I went to.’ Is this true for you?

7.      ‘The experience that Nicola had on her interview day would have put me off joining the school.’ Is this true for you?

8.      ‘Going to a school in a country that isn’t your native country is incredibly difficult.’ Do you agree?

9.      ‘Shakespeare has no relevance to the lives of these children.’ Do you agree?

10.    ‘Teachers can change children’s lives.’ Do you agree?

11.    ‘I’m terrible at job interviews.’ Is this true for you?

12.    ‘Carrying a knife for self-defence is always a bad idea.’ Do you agree?

13.    What was your favourite book as a child?

14.    What was the thing that you hated most about school?

15.    What was the thing that you liked most about school?


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