The pleasure principle: is a little bit of indulgence the secret to success?

This is a list of key vocabulary and expressions from the article in order of how useful they are. The student must choose 6 items from the list to study in the lesson.

To find out

To suffer (from something)

On average




A distraction/ To distract (someone)



To stick to something

The latest


To make sacrifices

To crave (something)/ A craving (for something)

To put (something) off


To turn down

A slip-up/ To slip up

A slippery slope

The odd

To follow up

To relish (something)

To weigh up



15 conversation-provoking questions related to the article.

1.      What do you know about ‘delayed gratification’ and ‘the marshmallow test’?

2.      According to the article, does delayed gratification always lead to better wellbeing?

3.      What do you know about the study called ‘The Benefits of Behaving Badly on Occasion’?

4.      What do you know about Professor Lile Jia’s research?

5.      What was said at the end of the article, under the heading ‘avoiding guilt’?

6.      Do you have strong willpower?

7.      Do you think it’s possible to have willpower that is too strong?

8.      Do you think you should treat yourself more often?

9.      Do you believe that people with more willpower are generally less happy?

10.    ‘It’s better to never ever try gambling, drinking alcohol or taking drugs.’ Do you agree?

11.    ‘Most of my regrets are about showing too much self-control rather than too little.’ Is this true for you?

12.    ‘It’s impossible to get good grades and qualifications without a great deal of willpower.’ Do you agree?

13.    ‘It’s ok to let your child bunk off school once in a while.’ Do you agree?

14.    ‘If I go on a diet, it’s very easy for me to stick to it.’ Is this true for you?

15.    ‘[The younger generation] spend too much and save too little – behaviour that is not only harming their future prospects, but those of the world economy.’ Do you agree?


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