Who were Henry VIII's wives?

This is a list of key vocabulary and expressions from the article in order of how useful they are. The student must choose 6 items from the list to study in the lesson.

To refuse (to do something)


To look after (someone/ something)

To claim (something)


To persuade

To convince

Accusation/ To accuse (someone of (doing) something)

To assume (something)


To bury (someone/ something)

To have a child


Compensation/ To compensate

To have an affair (with someone)

An ally

Henry had Katherine beheaded

To be in mourning

To be beheaded

Prior to


To outlive (someone)




15 conversation-provoking questions related to the article.

1.       What do you know about Katherine of Aragon?

2.       What do you know about Anne Boleyn?

3.       What do you know about Jane Seymour?

4.       What do you know about Anne of Cleves?

5.       What do you know about Katherine Howard?

6.       What do you know about Katherine Parr?

7.       Which one of Henry’s wives do you feel most sorry for?

8.       Which one of Henry’s wives is your favourite?

9.       ‘I loved learning about this type of stuff at school.’ Is this true for you?

10.     ‘Henry wasn’t an evil man. We can’t judge him by today’s moral standards.’ Do you agree?

11.     ‘There are many evil kings in my country’s history.’ Is this true for you?

12.     ‘It’s difficult to imagine that there has ever been a happy monarch.’ Do you agree?

13.     ‘Individual people, like Henry VIII, can change the course of history.’ Do you agree?

14.     ‘Religion is very important in my native country.’ Is this true for you?

15.     Who is the most interesting historical figure from your country?


The Great Fire of London


The pleasure principle: is a little bit of indulgence the secret to success?