Experience: I speak more than 50 languages

This is a list of key vocabulary and expressions from the article in order of how useful they are. The student must choose 6 items from the list to study in the lesson.


To grow up







A degree

To pick up

It turned out that


To find (that) …




To soak up

To run off

I had never read it in English

To reel off

To take it on the chin

To get top marks (in something)



To build bridges

15 conversation-provoking questions related to the article.

1.      What do you know about Richard’s childhood?

2.      What did Richard do at university and then after university?

3.      What methods did Richard use to learn different languages?

4.      How did languages affect Richard’s personal life?

5.      ‘The most important thing about learning languages is the ability to build bridges with other people.’ Do you agree?

6.      ‘I’m very jealous of Richard.’ Is this true for you?

7.      ‘If I had more free time, I would study other languages too, not just English.’ Is this true for you?

8.      ‘English people are terrible at speaking foreign languages. I’ve never heard an English person speak my native language well.’ Is this true for you?

9.      ‘I know someone who is an incredibly talented language learner.’ Is this true for you?

10.    ‘If you can’t speak English well, you can’t get a job in England.’ Do you agree?

11.    ‘All immigrants to any country should first have to pass a language test.’ Do you agree?

12.    ‘I have had some very embarrassing and stressful moments that were caused by the language barrier problem.’ Is this true for you?

13.    ‘Nowadays, all young people in my native country can speak English very well.’ Is this true for you?

14.    ‘English was one of the least important subjects in my school.’ Is this true for you?

15.    ‘Whenever I go abroad, I always try to learn some of the local language and about the local culture.’ Is this true for you?


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