The people making a difference: the teacher running a free school uniform exchange on her doorstep

This is a list of key vocabulary and expressions from the article in order of how useful they are. The student must choose 6 items from the list to study in the lesson.

To deserve ((to do) something)

To struggle (with something/ to do something)

To be desperate (for something/ to do something)


Likely/ Unlikely

To drop (someone/ something) off

To set up

To manage (to do something)

To run (a business/ organisation etc.)


To cope (with something)


What/ why/ how/ where etc. on earth?

To take (something) into account

To give out

To interact (with someone)

To prove something

To take up time/ space

(To live/ be) on the breadline

To take matters into your own hands

A lifeline



A knock-on effect


15 conversation-provoking questions related to the article.

1.      What inspired Jo’s school uniform exchange work?

2.      How does her uniform exchange work?

3.      What have other people said about her work?

4.      What was Jo’s treat, and what is Jo thinking about now?

5.      ‘All schools should have uniforms, and all uniforms should include a blazer and a tie.’ Do you agree?

6.      ‘When I was at school, I used to try to break the school uniform rules.’ Is this true for you?

7.      ‘Parents of young children shouldn’t buy brand new things for their children. Everything the children have should be second hand.’ Do you agree?

8.      ‘Lunch was very tasty and free for everyone in my primary and secondary schools.’ Is this true for you?

9.      ‘I often use the internet to find second-hand goods.’ Is this true for you?

10.    ‘I’m going to treat myself to afternoon tea at the Savoy.’ Is this true for you?

11.    ‘I was a bit of a teacher’s pet in my school.’ Is this true for you?

12.    ‘If you have a daughter, it’s better to send her to a school for girls.’ Do you agree?

13.    ‘Homework should be banned - children should be allowed to enjoy their lives outside of school.’ Do you agree?

14.    ‘Learning things by heart in school is completely pointless.’ Do you agree?

15.    ‘I used to bunk off a lot when I was in school.’ Is this true for you?


The people making a difference: the man who set up a mental health walking group for ‘blokes’


Experience: I speak more than 50 languages