Fighting office sexism in Latin America


This is a list of key vocabulary and expressions from the article in order of how useful they are. The student must choose 6 items from the list to study in the lesson.

Rather than

From scratch


Bias/ To be biased

To come up (meaning to be mentioned or talked about in conversation)


To carry (something) out


To be eager to do something

To strive to do something/ for something

To spark

A nod/ To nod

15 conversation-provoking questions related to the article.

  1. Do you like what ‘Aequales’ are doing?

  2. Why are businesses listening to ‘Aequales’?

  3. Why do you think some countries are more sexist than others?

  4. Is there a lot of office sexism in your country?

  5. Is there a lot of sexism in your workplace?

  6. Why are women generally paid less than men?

  7. How have women’s career prospects changed in the last century?

  8. Are men and women treated equally in your country?

  9. Are there any areas in which it is more difficult to be a man?

  10. Are men ever discriminated against?

  11. Would the world be a better place if all leaders were female?

  12. Is it possible to be sexist against a man?

  13. Do you think that quotas should be used to get more women onto boards and into governments?

  14. Are women better at some jobs than men?

  15. Is the situation for women getting better or worse in your country?


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