How to get your kids into sport for life

This is a list of key vocabulary and expressions from the article in order of how useful they are. The student must choose 6 items from the list to study in the lesson.

To want/ force/ allow/ encourage someone to do something

As + adjective/ adverb + as

To fancy (doing) something

To consider (doing) something

To stick with someone/ something


To benefit (from something)

To end up


To sign up (for something)

To drop off



To drag

Praise/ To praise someone/ something

To make a sacrifice

To get into something/ To get someone into something

To be hooked (on something)

To have fond memories (of something)

To frown

To cut someone some slack

Out and about


To reap the benefits

A spell

15 conversation-provoking questions related to the article.

1.      How does the article say you can get pre-schoolers into sport?

2.      How does the article say you can get primary school age children into sport?

3.      How does the article say you can get teenagers into sport?

4.      ‘Children should be taught that winning in sport is important. If you’re not competitive in life, you’ll fall behind.’ Do you agree?

5.      ‘Praise is much more effective than criticism. In family life, sport and work, you should always avoid criticising and punishing people.’ Do you agree?

6.      ‘Kids below the age of 18 should not be allowed to engage in violent, aggressive or dangerous sports.’ Do you agree?

7.      ‘Children’s hobbies are more influenced by their peers than their parents.’ Do you agree?

8.      ‘When you’re young, you should focus on just one sport. If you participate in too many different sports, you’ll never develop any proper skills.’ Do you agree?

9.      ‘If you’re passionate about something, you should force your kid to be passionate about it too.’ Do you agree?

10.    ‘I’ve always found it very difficult to overcome disappointments in sport. But this is a good thing, it shows that I’m competitive.’ Is this true for you?

11.    ‘Youngsters learn much more through free play than they do through coaching sessions that are organised by adults.’ Do you agree?

12.    ‘If a kid takes up a new hobby, they should be allowed to quit and start another one whenever they like.’ Do you agree?

13.    ‘The number one priority of a teenager should be to have fun. Teenagers shouldn’t worry about anything else.’ Do you agree?

14.    ‘If you do something for 30 days in a row, you can easily make it a habit for the rest of your life.’ Do you agree?

15.    ‘Playing football is the best activity for improving your physical and mental health.’ Is this true for you?


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