‘Summer will be monstrous’: Barcelona wrestles with revival of mass tourism

This is a list of key vocabulary and expressions from the article in order of how useful they are. The student must choose 6 items from the list to study in the lesson.


To fix (something)


A lack of something/ To lack something

To tend to do something

To point out

The (vast) majority

An attempt/ To attempt (to do something)

A relief/ To be relieved

To go out of business


To insist

To thrive


To swim against the tide

To drown/ To be drowned out

To plot (to do something)

To deem

To clamp down (on something)

To cater to someone/ something

To hover

To rile (someone)

To hamper


Vested interest

15 conversation-provoking questions related to the article.

1.      According to the article, how did the pandemic affect Barcelona?

2.      According to the article, why are some of the local people complaining about the tourism in Barcelona?

3.      What were some of the solutions that were suggested for tackling the problems associated with mass tourism in Barcelona?

4.      ‘The most I’ve ever enjoyed a trip to another city was when I went to Barcelona.’ Is this true for you?

5.      ‘I hate being surrounded by other tourists. I’d much rather go to a strange little Spanish town that nobody has ever heard of than go to Barcelona.’ Is this true for you?

6.      ‘In Barcelona, they should have different prices for locals and foreign tourists. Tourists should pay more for museums, taxis, accommodation, food etc.’ Do you agree?

7.      ‘I’d happily hitchhike from one city to another in Spain.’ Is this true for you?

8.      ‘The best holidays are the ones where you have a friend or family member who can host you in the place you’re visiting.’ Do you agree?

9.      ‘If it wasn’t for English people, nobody in Barcelona would be complaining. English people are uniquely badly behaved when they go abroad.’ Do you agree?

10.    ‘My native country is a massively underrated tourist destination.’ Is this true for you?

11.    ‘There is a particular event/ festival/ carnival in my native city that would be incredibly interesting for tourists.’ Is this true for you?

12.    ‘I used to spend most of my summer holidays abroad when I was a child. But, to be honest, taking children abroad is pointless because they can’t really appreciate where they are.’ Is this true for you?

13.    ‘There are many places in my native country that tourists should avoid.’ Is this true for you?

14.    ‘For my next holiday, I’m going to spend a week in an all-inclusive beach resort, and I’ll spend all 7 days in the resort.’ Is this true for you?

15.    ‘I don’t like doing guided tours. They’re boring and they restrict your freedom.’ Is this true for you?


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