Is internet addiction a growing problem?


This is a list of key vocabulary and expressions from the article in order of how useful they are. The student must choose 6 items from the list to study in the lesson.

To pretend (to do/ be something/ someone)

To prevent (something)/ To prevent (someone from doing something)

A craving (for something) 


An urge (to do something)To urge (someone to do something)

To drop out (of university/ school etc.)


To deceive (someone)


A triggerTo trigger (something/ someone)

To combat (something) 

To learn the hard way




To fuel (something)

To blur

To lurk

LureTo lure (someone)

To go on to do something 

To be susceptible (to something) 

To exacerbate 

The formerthe latter

To relapse

Debilitating ​

15 conversation-provoking questions related to the article.

  1. What do you know about Cam Adair?

  2. What do you know about Dr Andrew Doan?

  3. What did Teodora Pavkvic say?

  4. What did the article say about gambling?

  5. ‘I’m addicted to the internet.’ Is this true for you?

  6. ‘The vast majority of the time I spend on the internet is productive and educational.’ Is this true for you?

  7. ‘Online gambling should be banned immediately.’ Do you agree?

  8. ‘Parents have the right to spy on their kids and secretly watch what they do online.’ Do you agree?

  9. ‘Children should be allowed to stay connected to the internet throughout the school day – because that’s how the real world is.’ Do you agree?

  10. ‘When it comes to holiday accommodation, I would be willing to pay more for a place that had no internet connection.’ Is this true for you?

  11. ‘Being outside my house without my mobile phone would make me very stressed.’ Is this true for you?

  12. ‘Some addictions are healthy.’ Do you agree?

  13. ‘Violent computer games cause kids to be violent.’ Do you agree?

  14. ‘Social media companies are responsible for all of the harmful things that are posted on their platforms.’ Do you agree?

  15. ‘When the school day ended, I used to run home to play computer games for hours.’ Is this true for you?


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