What’s the future of food?

This is a list of key vocabulary and expressions from the video in order of how useful they are. The expressions in italics are additional and cannot be found in the video. The student must choose 6 items from the list to study in the lesson.


To avoid (doing) something

To feed (someone (something))

To give up

To be keen (on something/ someone) 


To compete (with someone)

From scratch

To stick to (something)

To raise (animals/ children) 






A flawflawedflawless

To breedA breed

SlaughterTo slaughter

To tweak (something)


Upfront cost

To be fit for something 

To opt for something

To ride on

To make a dent (in something)

The culprit

15 conversation-provoking questions related to the article.

  1. According to the experts, why is it important to make food sustainable?

  2. What did the experts say about eating meat?

  3. According to the experts, will insects become a new staple food?

  4. ‘I always try to make ethical choices when I’m buying my food.’ Is this true for you?

  5. ‘In a few years, we will all be eating insects and lab-grown meat.’ Do you agree?

  6. ‘I’m very happy to try strange new foods when I go abroad.’ Is this true for you?

  7. ‘A vegan wouldn’t be able to fully enjoy the cuisine of my native country.’ Is this true for you?

  8. ‘There are some foods in my country which people from other countries would find very strange.’ Is this true for you?

  9. ‘Eating habits have changed massively in my country in recent decades.’ Is this true for you?

  10. ‘Tackling climate change is the number one priority for the citizens of my native country.’ Is this true for you?

  11. ‘My individual actions don’t matter – it’s the government’s responsibility to protect the environment.’ Do you agree?

  12. ‘Supermarkets should do much more to be sustainable.’ Do you agree?

  13. ‘There is no difference between the food culture in my native country and the UK.’ Is this true for you?

  14. ‘It’s relatively easy for the state and big corporations to manipulate the eating habits of the population.’ Do you agree?

  15. ‘I’m an incredibly talented cook.’ Is this true for you?


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