The link between inequality and anxiety

This is a list of key vocabulary and expressions from the video in order of how useful they are. The expressions in italics are additional and cannot be found in the video. The student must choose 6 items from the list to study in the lesson.


To deal with (something/ someone)

To be awareunaware (of something)


A threatTo threaten (someone)

To cope (with something)


A summary

To go up/ down

A figure

To pose







As if/ As though

A burden

To look down on someone

To expose (something/ someone)


To stitch (someone) up

To flaunt

To big (someone) up

To exacerbate 

15 conversation-provoking questions related to the article.

  1. What does Richard say about the photos at the beginning of the talk?

  2. What does Richard think is an important cause of anxiety and other mental health problems? How does he explain this?

  3. What are the two typical responses to feeling worried about how we’re seen and judged?

  4. ‘I never feel anxious, even when I’m being judged by other people.’ Is this true for you?

  5. ‘Rich people are just as stressed as poor people.’ Do you agree?

  6. ‘Sometimes stress can be a good thing.’ Do you agree?

  7. ‘Nowadays, people have more mental health problems than they have ever had in the past.’ Do you agree?

  8. ‘In my native country, nobody ever speaks about mental health.’ Is this true for you?

  9. ‘Consumerism is a good thing, it keeps the economy going.’ Do you agree?

  10. ‘Generally speaking, people marry people who come from similar backgrounds to them, and there is nothing wrong with that.’ Do you agree?

  11. ‘In my country, it’s easy for a poor person to become rich and rich person to become poor.’ Is this true for you?

  12. ‘My life would be better if I deleted all of my social media accounts.’ Is this true for you?

  13. ‘Without inequality, there would be no violence.’ Do you agree?

  14. ‘Without inequality, there would be no mental health problems.’ Do you agree?

  15. ‘Without inequality, there would be no crime.’ Do you agree?


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