This Town Was Paradise, Then Everyone Started Working From Home

This is a list of key vocabulary and expressions from the video in order of how useful they are. The student must choose 6 items from the list to study in the lesson.


To blame (someone (for something))

To be aware (of something)


To cheer


A perspective (on something)

A shortage (of something)

60 grand 


A landlord

A tenant

To thrive


To drive (someone) crazy

To rent out (something)

To discourage (something/ someone from doing something)

Might as well

To subsidise

On board

A roof over your head

Off the grid

To exacerbate (something)

A proponent (of something)

A kick in the teeth


15 conversation-provoking questions related to the article.

  1. What do you know about Tyler and Bella?

  2. What did Paul Brown say?

  3. What do you know about Kyleena?

  4. Can you describe David’s situation?

  5. ‘I would love to live in Crested Butte.’ Is this true for you?

  6. ‘Tyler and Bella are part of the problem, they should move back to New York.’ Do you agree?

  7. ‘I would happily live like David.’ Is this true for you?

  8. ‘Kyleena is a greedy woman… her employees live in tents!’ Do you agree?

  9. ‘They should put extra taxes on second homes in Crested Butte.’ Do you agree?

  10. ‘My dream home looks very similar to the homes that Paul Brown showed in the video.’ Is this true for you?

  11. ‘My hometown would be a great place for a digital worker to come and live.’ Is this true for you?

  12. ‘If I were a landlord, I would only rent to local people for low prices.’ Is this true for you?

  13. ‘Some people hate rich people and there’s no reason for it!’ Do you agree?

  14. ‘If I could live anywhere in the world, I would choose the USA.’ Is this true for you?

  15. ‘My hometown has much bigger economic problems than Crested Butte.’ Is this true for you?


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