The Man who Eats, Sleeps, and Lives with Wolves

This is a list of key vocabulary and expressions from the video in order of how useful they are. The expressions in italics are additional and cannot be found in the video. The student must choose 6 items from the list to study in the lesson.


To make sense

To bother (someone)

I bet

To introduce someone to someone


‘The trick is to stay calm’

By chance

From scratch


To stick something/ someone somewhere

To heal

To stitch (something/ someone) up

A bloke

No wonder

To wolf (something) down

Do you wish you had been born a wolf?

To flee

To plummet

To take a toll (on something/ someone)

To step in

Can’t help

To tuck in


A rare breed

15 conversation-provoking questions related to the article.

1.         What is Shaun trying to achieve, and how would you describe his methods?

2.         What do you know about Shaun’s family and romantic life?

3.         Based on what you saw in the video, do you think Shaun’s life is healthy and safe?

5.         What problems do wolves face in the wild, and how does Shaun think these problems can be solved?

6.         ‘Shaun isn’t crazy, he just has a passion, and this is a good thing.’ Do you agree?

7.         ‘Shaun would be an excellent husband.’ Do you agree?

8.         ‘From childhood, we’re taught to fear and loathe [wolves].’ Do you agree with this comment from the presenter?

9.         Have you ever heard of anyone else like Shaun?

10.      ‘I’m an animal person, just like Shaun.’ Is this true for you?

11.      ‘Humans are capable of forming strong bonds with any type of animal’. Do you agree?

12.      ‘Wolves should be reintroduced into the wild in the UK.’ Do you agree?

13.      ‘Even with Shaun to guide me, there’s no way I would set foot inside the wolf enclosure.’ Is this true for you?

14.      ‘I wouldn’t go to a zoo because they’re not fair on the animals.’ Is this true for you?

15.      ‘There are many dangerous in my native country and that’s why I don’t go hiking there.’ Is this true for you?


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Experience: I guard the Amazon rainforest