What a man freed from a 241-year prison sentence finds strangest of all


This is a list of key vocabulary and expressions from the article in order of how useful they are. The student must choose 6 items from the list to study in the lesson.

To treat

To blame (someone/ something (for something))

To pick

To throw up

To seem


To give up

A miracle

To be willing (to do something)

To turn into

How you doing?

To be supposed to

To greet (someone)


To release (something/ someone)

To wave

‘I haven’t taken a bath in 27 years!’

‘He had chosen a three-piece blue suit’


To take something/ someone for granted

Harassment/ To harass (someone)

A glimmer of hope

To be ingrained

A spree


15 conversation-provoking questions related to the article.

1.    What things were different for Bobby when he was released from prison?

2.    What was Bobby’s crime?

3.    Why was Bobby released?

4.    What do you know about Judge Baker?

5.    What does Bobby do now?

6.    ‘Bobby should have been released much earlier.’ Do you agree?

7.    ‘Judge Baker and Bobby Bostic are both true heroes.’ Do you agree?

8.    ‘Prison doesn’t work.’ Do you agree?

9.    Who is the most famous criminal in your native country?

10. ‘The world is much changed, compared to December 1995.’ Do you agree?

11. ‘Prisoners should be allowed to get university degrees for free.’ Do you agree?

12. ‘In reality, the process of leaving prison and starting a new life must be very difficult.’ Do you agree?

13. ‘I’ve never committed a crime in my life.’ Is this true for you?

14. ‘I’ve never witnessed a crime in my life.’ Is this true for you?

15. ‘Tough sentences deter criminals.’ Do you agree?


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