The tech entrepreneur betting he can get younger


This is a list of key vocabulary and expressions from the article in order of how useful they are. The student must choose 6 items from the list to study in the lesson.

To bet


To fancy (doing) something

Rather than

To lead to (something)

To turn out

To come across (something)


To fast

To keep track (of something)

To underestimate (something/ someone)



All sorts of

Business is booming


To set out

To cure

To cherish (something)

To buy time

Up for grabs

The onset (of something)

To practise what you preach

The jury is out (on something)

To lounge

15 conversation-provoking questions related to the article.

  1. What is the main issue that the article is talking about?

  2. What do you know about Bryan Johnson?

  3. What does Eric Verdin say?

  4. What are the author’s conclusions?

  5. ‘Mr Johnson’s existence is joyless.’ Do you agree?

  6. ‘Scientists should stop researching this area because it would be a disaster if people could live forever.’ Do you agree?

  7. ‘It is possible to be overly concerned about health.’ Do you agree?

  8. ‘People are happiest at 16 and 70 years old.’ Do you agree?

  9. ‘As you get older, you get better at some things and worse at others.’ Do you agree?

  10. ‘The process of ageing is probably more unbearable for men than it is for women.’ Do you agree?

  11. ‘It would be great if we could genetically modify our bodies.’ Do you agree?

  12. ‘If you use the right strategies, you shouldn’t have any trouble sleeping.’ Do you agree?

  13. ‘Even if there was a pill for keeping you in good shape, I would still do exercise.’ Is this true for you?

  14. ‘I bloody hate jogging.’ Is this true for you?

  15. ‘People are healthier now than they’ve ever been before.’ Do you agree?


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