Which is the world's vainest city?

This is a list of key vocabulary and expressions from the article in order of how useful they are. The student must choose 6 items from the list to study in the lesson.



To show off


Can afford

To bear something in mind

Hair dye/ To dye your hair

To rank




By far and away

15 conversation-provoking questions related to the article.

  1. How vain are people from your country?

  2. Is there anything wrong with getting cosmetic surgery?

  3. Should cosmetic surgery be paid for by the government?

  4. Why do some South Korean women get ‘double eyelid’ surgery?

  5. Do you think people are becoming more or less vain?

  6. Is this a good thing?

  7. Can one’s appearance influence their chances of life success?

  8. Do you think appearance is important?

  9. What should we teach our children about appearance?

  10. Is it a bad thing that the public idolise beautiful people?

  11. Should there be more average-looking people on TV?

  12. Why do people go to the gym?

  13. Is there more pressure on men or women to look good?

  14. Does everyone agree on who is beautiful and who is not?

  15. Do you think that children care about their appearance?


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